Real men really DO do Yoga, and the book above was written to prove it. 21 star athletes (copyright 2003, mind you) discuss how yoga improved their strength, fitness and flexibility.
If this isn't proof enough that you can be a 'real man' and a yoga lover, then nothing will convince you!
OK, well...perhaps you are ALREADY convinced and you want to get up to speed all KINDS of ways to add serentity, peace and comfort to your life? Find Bliss is a website dedicated to sharing music downloads, books, recipies, lifestyle advice and more! It's the all-in-one solution to getting in touch with your quiet, happy side!
Maybe you are right in the middle? No longer a gun totiing, steak eating 'real man' but not quite ready for the life of total serentity? Find links to the Yoga sites that YOU want to visit all compiled at Yoga for Men
Yoga...a little something for everyone!
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