In my last post, we talked about some of the Basic Yoga Poses that you can do, just to get yourself aware of what yoga feels like and what some of the core positions are.
Yoga (for men!) is like Karate and other martial arts. You need to master the basics so that you can move forward and advance to the more advanced. Knowing the basics builds mental and physical strength, and as you add more poses/steps/actions you get more out of the exercise.
But you always mind the basics.
One of the basic yoga poses was the Sun Salutation.
I found a GREAT example of the 'basic' Sun Salutation here.
It shows, in pictures, the core steps of the Sun Salutation...and explains each one clearly.
Once you get the hang of it you can extend the stretches, widen them, hold them longer, etc.
That's the nice thing about Yoga (Yoga for Men and otherwise). If you do even the basic yoga poses correctly you gain tone, endurance and flexibility. As you increase the level of difficulty, you open your body to higher levels of both physical attribute (Strength, flexibility, etc) as well as higher conscienceness and better health.
(A note about better health - this isn't some quacky holistic jargon I'm feeding you. Yoga opens up the body to better blood flow and deeper breathing. Your body needs this, and the more of it you get, the healthier you become.)
So, don't look at the Sun Salutation as just another morning jog. It's an exercises that does more than 'tones your legs' or 'tightens the abs'. The deep breathing and full, gradual stretches open the body up so that you go into your day aware and prepared.
That's a heck of a lot better than relying on a cold shower and a strong cup of coffee to get you going!
Enjoy learning the Sun Salutation and use these basic yoga poses to gradually get your body and mind in shape and on top of the world!
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