Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Basic Yoga Poses on a You Tube Channel!

Are Basic Yoga Poses still not basic enough to learn by 'reading about'?

I understand completely. Reading it just doesn't show you WHERE exactly to put your hands, or HOW exactly to stand.

Pictures are good, but they only help so much. After all, it's too easy for the Yoga Guy to look at the picture and say 'OK, well how did you GET there?!'

That's why I'm pleased to share the You Tube Yoga channel from Yoga Kat!
Click on her various tutorials and learn the Basic Yoga Poses by WATCHING them.
Pause when necessary. Rewind when necessary.
Deep breath.

If this isn't the easiest way to learn Basic Yoga Positions, then I don't know what is.

We'll be sure to add this link to the Yoga for Men lens, too!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Basic Yoga Poses for Pigs an Men alike

How often have you head that Men are Pigs? All the time, right?

Well, now you can master some Basic Yoga Poses AND relish in your piggedness.

Put down the chips, put away the soda....you know that Yoga for Men does not condone those unhealthy eating habits.

I mean the pig in you that stares at hot girls in short shorts. After all, that's why they don't let you in the Yoga studios anymore, right...? It's the only kind of piggy-ness we "Yoga for Men" types approve of.

Ok, all kidding aside, you need to check out the Yoga Pigs at Yoga Kat's "Circle of Peace" website. These cute Yoga Pig statues are positioned in some of the Basic Yoga Poses that you have been studying. They are a great reminder of how to assume the position...and of the fact that you cannot keep your mind out of the gutter.

I'm just saying...

Yoga Pigs are not toys. They are porcelain statues that look great an serve a higher purpose. Stop being a Pig and learn the Basic Yoga Poses so that you are welcomed back in the Yoga Studio with open arms. Then check out the Circle of Peace website and see the other tools that will bring you piece of mind and wholesomeness of body.

You Pig You....

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fitness for Golf

Sure, it's hard enough to get my other 'male' friends to understand and appreciate why I pursue Yoga. Even though it's clearly "Yoga for Men", it still can be a hard sell.

But I understand. MANY of my friends play Golf, which I have little patience for.

HOWEVER, I have to admit that I was somewhat intrigued when I learned how physically fit...and powerful...Tiger Woods is. While I've heard conflicting reports over how much he can bench press, no one has ever debated his raw strength as well as his incredible concentration.

Many don't look at golfers as 'athletes'. I beg to differ.

That's why I wanted to share some information that appeals to both the Yoga for Men crowd and the Tiger Woods fan club. It's a program called Fitness for Golf.

The Fitness for Golf program used specific stretches, exercises and nutrition plans to make you the best golfer you can be, But golfing aside, the program will make you as healthy and fit as possible...so even if you are a CASUAL golfer, the program is still valuable.

Remember, not only does your body desire the training and nutrition to grow...it also is 'smart' and it builds endurance. This sounds 'good', but you have to remember that it ALSO means that over time your body 'anticipates' certain exercises and builds resistance to it.

So, if you've been an avid body builder, then the Basic Yoga Poses that Yoga for Men has presented so far will build new muscles by offering exercises you likely don't do often. Therefore, if you ARE familiar with Yoga for Men's Basic Yoga Poses (as well as advanced yoga poses...like Tantric Yoga) then the Fitness for Golf program will open NEW doors to fitness and accomplishment.

You can read some testimonials here.

So, if you are looking to both improve your cardio, physical strength and Golf Game, I encourage you to look at the Fitness for Golf program.

Namaste' and ...FORE!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Basic Yoga Positions and Tantric Yoga Positions

I'm a big fan of Sting and the Police...that's how I first leaned about Tantric Yoga Positions.
Sure, there were all kinds of stories and rumours about what positive effects Tantric Yoga had on Sting's love making...

..rumours he ultimately dismissed as exaggerated.

But let's get to know Tantric Yoga and the Tantric Yoga positions, because many of them can fall into the category of Basic Yoga Positions.

According to ABC of Yoga, Tantric Yoga "pertains to concentrating on expanding one’s energy in order to achieve the goals of tantra."

OK, that may strike you as vague...but you can read the entire definition and article here.

In fact, the 'men' who read Yoga for Men may dismiss the entire idea of spiritualism an the etherworld and just concentrate on what these poses will do for your Sex Life. In fact, an article written on the Practicing Yoga website kicks off with this: "Tantric yoga positions quite often conjure up thoughts of sex positions..." The whole article is here. (But in fairness to both you and the website, it goes to explain that Tantric Yoga Positions are NOT strictly about sex and erotica. Sorry!)

(I have to give props to Practicing Yoga because they, too, have an article called Yoga For Men!)

In all, Tantric Yoga works on both your flexibility and your endurance. So while it's focus is NOT directly pertaining to sex, you can see where and how it will help!

Because most teachers of Tantric Yoga want to reiterate the history and spirituality of the art, it was very difficult to find an easy-to-follow page of visual 'examples' of the poses. (At least, not as easy to follow as my previous Basic Yoga Poses post). However, I found this article that explains some basic Tantric Poses for you. It comes from the TantricYogaTechniques.com website.

So, men, as you build your muscles and strengthen your backs and arms and abs...don't be afraid to look around a little and get to know the different TYPES of Yoga and how they can help you to grow, both physically and spiritually.

Who knows? Maybe she'll even thank you....