How often have you head that Men are Pigs? All the time, right?
Well, now you can master some Basic Yoga Poses AND relish in your piggedness.
Put down the chips, put away the soda....you know that Yoga for Men does not condone those unhealthy eating habits.
I mean the pig in you that stares at hot girls in short shorts. After all, that's why they don't let you in the Yoga studios anymore, right...? It's the only kind of piggy-ness we "Yoga for Men" types approve of.
Ok, all kidding aside, you need to check out the Yoga Pigs at Yoga Kat's "Circle of Peace" website. These cute Yoga Pig statues are positioned in some of the Basic Yoga Poses that you have been studying. They are a great reminder of how to assume the position...and of the fact that you cannot keep your mind out of the gutter.
I'm just saying...
Yoga Pigs are not toys. They are porcelain statues that look great an serve a higher purpose. Stop being a Pig and learn the Basic Yoga Poses so that you are welcomed back in the Yoga Studio with open arms. Then check out the Circle of Peace website and see the other tools that will bring you piece of mind and wholesomeness of body.
You Pig You....
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