Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Basic Yoga Poses - the Sun Salutation

In my last post, we talked about some of the Basic Yoga Poses that you can do, just to get yourself aware of what yoga feels like and what some of the core positions are.

Yoga (for men!) is like Karate and other martial arts. You need to master the basics so that you can move forward and advance to the more advanced. Knowing the basics builds mental and physical strength, and as you add more poses/steps/actions you get more out of the exercise.

But you always mind the basics.

One of the basic yoga poses was the Sun Salutation.
I found a GREAT example of the 'basic' Sun Salutation here.
It shows, in pictures, the core steps of the Sun Salutation...and explains each one clearly.
Once you get the hang of it you can extend the stretches, widen them, hold them longer, etc.

That's the nice thing about Yoga (Yoga for Men and otherwise). If you do even the basic yoga poses correctly you gain tone, endurance and flexibility. As you increase the level of difficulty, you open your body to higher levels of both physical attribute (Strength, flexibility, etc) as well as higher conscienceness and better health.

(A note about better health - this isn't some quacky holistic jargon I'm feeding you. Yoga opens up the body to better blood flow and deeper breathing. Your body needs this, and the more of it you get, the healthier you become.)

So, don't look at the Sun Salutation as just another morning jog. It's an exercises that does more than 'tones your legs' or 'tightens the abs'. The deep breathing and full, gradual stretches open the body up so that you go into your day aware and prepared.

That's a heck of a lot better than relying on a cold shower and a strong cup of coffee to get you going!

Enjoy learning the Sun Salutation and use these basic yoga poses to gradually get your body and mind in shape and on top of the world!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Basic Yoga Poses

I wanted to share some Basic Yoga Poses. Nobody wants to show up for their first Yoga class knowing nothing. You stand there looking around at everyone stretching and you think “Uh oh. What am I doing here?”

So here are some very Basic Yoga poses so that when you make your foray into Yoga for Men you aren’t completely in the dark.

Most workouts start with the Sun Salutation…but this is a collection of positions and since we are talking ‘pure beginner’ here we’ll address that in a future article.

How about the Tree Pose? While standing, place the bottom your right foot against the inner thigh of your left leg. See how long you can hold the position. It’s simply a matter of balance and concentration. Now switch legs and do it again.

Often, the act of standing straight is the Mountain Pose. The most Basic Yoga Pose of them all!
Stand straight with your feet together. Your arms may remain at your sides Press the feet flat against the floor and visualize yourself lifting upward. Gradually lift your arms over your head until your palms are touching. Equally distribute your body weight. Breathe deeply and impose your best posture. Open up your spine and allow blood, oxygen and positive energy to flow through.

Now, as long as you are in this position…s-l-o-w-l-y bend at your waist, keeping your legs planted and your arms out. Bend as far forward as you can…SLOWLY!...and bring your arms down so that you can touch your toes.

Often, those new to yoga cannot touch their toes, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of. Your body needs to be used to the flexibility you are going to teach it. How far CAN you reach? Can you touch your ankles? Your shins?

I’ve found that in short time (a week or so, depending on what other exercises you do) you’ll be able to touch your toes…just let your body get used to the gradual art of stretching.

(Quick note – Mountain Pose into Toe Touching…these Basic Yoga Poses are the first 3 steps of the Sun Salutation. We’ll do more in a later post).

Do the Mountain Pose again.
Now, we’ll try Padahastasana…the Basic Leg Clasp.
Spread your feet about 18” apart.
Put your arms out at your side.
Now, slowly bend and twist at the torso. You want to touch your right calf with your left hand. Keep your Right arm extended…and pointing up at the sky. Your head is turned so that you are looking up at the sky as well.
Hold the pose for a 5 count. Feel the energy moving through your legs.
Slowly Rise back to the Mountain pose.
Repeat on the other side, so that your Right Hand is clasping your Left calf, and your Left arm is pointed facing the sky.

If you are looking at Yoga for Men for the ‘meditation’ side of yoga as well as the strength building, learn the Lotus Position. This basic “sitting with legs crossed” position has the added effort of being the heels of your feet as close to your abdomen as possible. Remember to keep your back completely straight. Almost all yoga poses were designed to keep your posture perfect so that you can maximize the blood, oxygen and energy flowing through your spine.

Now, as long as you are sitting, relax your les and sit with them out straight.
Reach both of your arms out…bend your head down like you are looking at your legs…and s-l-o-w-l-y reach forward in an effort to touch your toes. Lean forward, from the waist, as far as you can. Touch your toes or ankles and hold the position for a 5 count…letting your spine stretch.

Now, it’s time for Savasana…the relaxation post.
Lay back, completely level with the ground.
Your palms upward to the sky and your legs about 12” apart from each other.
Breathe deeply and slowly.
Feel the energy around you. Feel it flow upward…from your feet to your thighs…to your stomach.
Be aware of your breathing. Be one with it...
Empty your mind and be conscience of how your breathing bring in nutrients and exhales bad energy...

You have done some very Basic Yoga Poses.

Come back tomorrow…