Monday, October 20, 2014

Time to Block your Yoga?

Nice title, right?
Sounds like your Yoga videos are NSFW, right?

(Absurd! Online Yoga classes are GREAT, and you can find some free ones here!) 

But that's not what we're talking about today.
Today we're talking about blocks.
Yes, Foam Blocks.

For some, a great tool for advancing your Yoga skills.

Or, more importantly, it's a tool for ensuring you gradually make your way into poses properly and safely.

You'll notice many poses have you reaching all the way down to your toes.

It's very tempting...and healthy really, to NOT over extend yourself.
In the past, the way to go was to stop at your ankles.
...assuming you COULD reach your ankles.

Some days, even ANKLES are hard.
Knees? Well, knees not SO bad.

But when you 'short cut' to your knees or ankles you want to accomplish 2 things:
1) you want a healthy stretch without hurting yourself
2) you want to ensure you are stretching the "right" muscles.

Sometimes, a short cut takes you AWAY from your intended target.

Using  foam blocks allows you to get the right pose and focus on the right muscles.
You can start with a bigger block and gradually work to a smaller one...and then to the floor itself.

I am living proof.
SO many poses I couldnt do when I started yoga...and one day I was quite impressed with my new flexibility!

Wait...maybe this sounds wimpy to you?

Ok, then how about THIS:
You can use Yoga blocks in your 'free' hand to further test your balance and strength as you stretch:

 (I mean...if SHE can do it, YOU can...right Manly Yoga Man?!?!?)

Yoga blocks are NOT short cuts...they are tools to ensure that you are doing a pose correctly and easing into the 'next step'

Check out the 3" Yoga Block   
Check out the 4" Yoga Block

or...something a little different....the 4" CORK Yoga Block!

Remember...a slow stretch with deep breathing will get you MUCH farther than a sudden throw in a given direction. Use the blocks and open your spine!

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