So, as a man, you are very specific about your Yoga.
You don't want to do anything "girlie".
Maybe you don't care about inner harmony, or feng shui or a perfectly clear mind.
You just wanted to be stronger, healthier and more flexible.
Ok, we get that.
And we get why you are particular.
You don't want to be classified as a GirlyMan the minute you talk about Yoga.
As a man, you ALSO care about your budget.
But again, you don't want to look like a sale-chaser, right?
What?! A guy who does Yoga and cheers up when he sees a sale?!?!?!
What kind of Manly Man are you?!?!?!?
All kidding aside....what if there WAS a good sale right now for guys who are manly about their Yoga, but need some supplies?
No, really!
Look, you NEED Yoga here are a few quality items that Menly Men use...and you can get them Two-For-the-Price-of-One.
Excercise Wheel:
You gotta work the core and triceps, right?
Buy one, get one free when you click here
Also....75cm Anti Burst Deluxe Yoga Ball:
Again, you gotta work the core. And the lower back.
But you're a Manly Man and dont want anything that cannot hold you.
Or anything Pink. Or Yellow.
Buy one, get one free when you click here
Lastly...Cordura Royal Yoga Bag:
You need to carry that Yoga Mat and Yoga gear around with you, right?
But you want to look..."manly", right?!
Nice dark accents.
Yep...Buy one, get one free when you click here.
Listen...I hear you, man!
You want to look good, you want to feel...good, and you don't want to look like you put too much thought into what you paid for this stuff!
We fellow (Yoga for) Men are with of you!
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