Monday, October 20, 2014

Time to Block your Yoga?

Nice title, right?
Sounds like your Yoga videos are NSFW, right?

(Absurd! Online Yoga classes are GREAT, and you can find some free ones here!) 

But that's not what we're talking about today.
Today we're talking about blocks.
Yes, Foam Blocks.

For some, a great tool for advancing your Yoga skills.

Or, more importantly, it's a tool for ensuring you gradually make your way into poses properly and safely.

You'll notice many poses have you reaching all the way down to your toes.

It's very tempting...and healthy really, to NOT over extend yourself.
In the past, the way to go was to stop at your ankles.
...assuming you COULD reach your ankles.

Some days, even ANKLES are hard.
Knees? Well, knees not SO bad.

But when you 'short cut' to your knees or ankles you want to accomplish 2 things:
1) you want a healthy stretch without hurting yourself
2) you want to ensure you are stretching the "right" muscles.

Sometimes, a short cut takes you AWAY from your intended target.

Using  foam blocks allows you to get the right pose and focus on the right muscles.
You can start with a bigger block and gradually work to a smaller one...and then to the floor itself.

I am living proof.
SO many poses I couldnt do when I started yoga...and one day I was quite impressed with my new flexibility!

Wait...maybe this sounds wimpy to you?

Ok, then how about THIS:
You can use Yoga blocks in your 'free' hand to further test your balance and strength as you stretch:

 (I mean...if SHE can do it, YOU can...right Manly Yoga Man?!?!?)

Yoga blocks are NOT short cuts...they are tools to ensure that you are doing a pose correctly and easing into the 'next step'

Check out the 3" Yoga Block   
Check out the 4" Yoga Block

or...something a little different....the 4" CORK Yoga Block!

Remember...a slow stretch with deep breathing will get you MUCH farther than a sudden throw in a given direction. Use the blocks and open your spine!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Stretch and Strength

In the last few months, I've altered my workout schedule.
I spend alternating days lifting weights versus cardio work outs.
I also start EVERY work out with push ups.

On one hand, I like how I look.
My arms and chest are bigger and firmer.

On the other hand, the more rigorous work out has suddenly made me visibly less flexible.
My shoulders and triceps feel "tight" all the time...even jumping jacks are uncomfortable for my shoulders as of late.

It's an ironic lesson because when I first started doing Yoga, I liked how flexible I had become.
Like anything, I looked at the poses as a 'goal'...and the ability to perform the pose, and then do it "better" and then hold it "longer" was a personal challenge I enjoy(ed.)

But when I started looking for high-impact, more muscle-building exercises, my interest in Yoga waned and as did my flexibility.

So this morning, in honor of my need and desire to recoup my more comfortable, more flexible shoulders, I'd like to share some important articles I found: has a great article here about the importance of stretching.
It's written by Al Kavadlo  
Very knowledgable, very interesting guy!
Find him on Twitter @AlKavadlo

If you prefer video, here are 2 yoga instructors showing some basic stretches to perform before upper body work outs:

One more, easy to follow article on stretching can be found here.
Again, it's specific to upper body, body building.

Getting "big" is good, but if you cannot reach a door knob or give a high five, it's for nothing.
Work hard, stretch good, everyone wins.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Core Issue is that you're not a Poser

Since I've started this blog, it's easier to see the trend of more and more men accepting Yoga and taking it on as part of their fitness regimen.

No, I'm not taking CREDIT for this trend, but it's a testament to how times have changed in a short period of time.

When considering Yoga, the largest hurdle for men to get over is that it's really NOT all about inner-harmony, meditating, vegan beliefs,  embracing the stillness, etc.

Yoga is a full-body workout, focused heavily on working the core, and addresses strength building and weight loss as well as flexibility and balance.

So many of my male friends who work out are focusing on the "core".
A flat stomach, a strong lower back, etc...

Quite frankly, there are plenty of core-focused Yoga poses that will make you sweat like a fountain!

And perhaps therein lies part of the problem:
Yoga is based on 'poses'.

Maybe men don't want to "pose".
There was a time where being called a "Poser" was an insult.

Maybe men relate posing to the ego-driven sport of body-building.
(a la Arnold Schwarzenegger)

But looking PAST the per word "pose" you'll find that there is so much to gain and so little to lose.

  • Poses don't require weights -  And a big problem "I" find with weight is that as I progress, I need more/larger weights...which taps my budget.   And when I slack I need to catch up I need slightly lighter weights...which means I cannot sell off my older ones. 
  (Likewise, I don't want to have to carry weights with me anyplace I MIGHT want to practice Yoga.)

  •  Poses don't require expensive gym equipment  - Not only does this further protect my budget, but it almost removes an constraints based on where in the house I can practice. In fact...
  •  Poses can be done almost anywhere...they don't require a gym membership. They can be done in the home or in the office or in the park or in the parking LOT or...

Another point about poses - while weight lifting and cardio drives the heart to beat hard/fast, Yoga can help focus on your conditioning WHILE working the you can focus on your breathing and heart rate while tightening your abs and back muscles.

And I think almost all men will agree that a flatter, tighter stomach needs to be part of the fitness regimen, regardless of what method of exercise you prefer.

Sure, it sounds a little 'weak' to base your exercise on  "posing"...but the there are fewer limitation with just as good results if you are looking to be trim, flexible, fit and strong.

Maybe we Men Doing Yoga need to just give it another term.
Call it something else.
Maybe a "Core Position" or a "Flex Stance" or...

...oh, I don't know.
Comment the blog and share YOUR suggestions!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Yoga DISCOUNTS for Men! (BOGO)

So, as a man, you are very specific about your Yoga.
You don't want to do anything "girlie".
Maybe you don't care about inner harmony, or feng shui or a perfectly clear mind.

You just wanted to be stronger, healthier and more flexible.

Ok, we get that.

And we get why you are particular.

You don't want to be classified as a GirlyMan the minute you talk about Yoga.

As a man, you ALSO care about your budget.
But again, you don't want to look like a sale-chaser, right?

What?!  A guy who does Yoga and cheers up when he sees a sale?!?!?!
What kind of Manly Man are you?!?!?!?

All kidding aside....what if there WAS a good sale right now for guys who are manly about their Yoga, but need some supplies?

No, really!

Look, you NEED Yoga here are a few quality items that Menly Men use...and you can get them Two-For-the-Price-of-One.

Excercise Wheel:
You gotta work the core and triceps, right?
Buy one, get one free when you click here

Also....75cm Anti Burst Deluxe Yoga Ball:

Again, you gotta work the core. And the lower back.
But you're a Manly Man and dont want anything that cannot hold you.
Or anything Pink.  Or Yellow.

Buy one, get one free when you click here

Lastly...Cordura Royal Yoga Bag:

You need to carry that Yoga Mat and Yoga gear around with you, right?
But you want to look..."manly", right?!
Nice dark accents.

Yep...Buy one, get one free when you click here.

Listen...I hear you, man!
You want to look good, you want to feel...good, and you don't want to look like you put too much thought into what you paid for this stuff!

We fellow (Yoga for) Men are with of you!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

DDP Yoga takes a Swim in the Shark Tank

My 2 favorite things to watch on TV is Pro Wrestling (yes, I know it's fake) and Shark Tank.

Business and Pro Wrestling...what 2 things can be more diametrically opposed, right?

Well, these 2 great mediums are together again for the first time, as Diamond Dallas Page brings his unique form of Yoga to the Shark Tank, in hopes of getting an investment from the Sharks.

You can see a portion of DDP's pitch, here.

Previously called "YRG" (Yoga for Regular Guys) Page has since put his own name/personality into the brand by renaming the practice DDP Yoga.

You can read my original coverage of YRG from an earlier blog post if you like...

Don't scoff.
Page started with a form of yoga that appeals to men who didn't want to focus on meditation and vegan recipes...and turned it into a well-revered form of strength building AND flexibility.

Do the Sharks see the value in both the business and the excercise?
You'll have to watch and find out...   ;)