Thursday, January 15, 2009

Yoga for Wii...Perfect Together?

My kids got the Wii for Christmas.
Santa brought it.
Sure, they say it's for the whole family, but does it really compare to 'real' exercise?

And can the Wii double as a trusted Yoga Guru?
Will we see the advent of "Yoga for Men and Wii Players?"

I wanted to right a lengthy article about Using the Wii to practice Yoga, but so many have already. Rather than try to write something meaningful without pirating already-discussed views, I thought I would instead give props to these already well-written articles.

That would be the Zen thing to do, right?

Wii Fit Yoga is a whole website/blog dedicated to Yoga on Wii!

Wii Healthy talks about Wii Fit here.

Let's Yoga on the DS, Wii Fit on the Wii and a comparison of the 2 here!

Wii WILL have a Yoga Wii soon, according to this article.

So read them all, and then go to and look for updates!

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