Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Power Yoga - The history, no mystery

"Power Yoga". I like it. Sounds manly.

Mark Blanchard's purist and progressive "Power Yoga" class is for the 'real man'. No props. Nothing trendy. Nothing glamorous. It's designed to be straightforward, healthy and well balanced.

I don't know Mark. I've never met him. But when I first heard of the phrase Power Yoga it was through an article about him, and I then checked out his website, which you can see here.

But I did a little more research and found a VERY good article on the evolution of "Power Yoga".
There are a few different theories/practices that the term evolved from.
Check it out here.

"Power Yoga"
It's that one phrase that separates YOUR yoga from the soft-music-and-meditation your ex-girlfriend wanted you to try...    ;)

"Power Yoga"

Go on...
You're a real man.
Check it out...


power1 said...

Just so you know Mark has moved, his site is now www.truepoweryoga.com :-)

Defmall said...

Hey, thanks for the Update!